Program Structure
Doctor of Osteopathic MedicineFour Years That Will Carry You Through a Lifetime
You’ll earn your Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine through four years of structured training in core competencies and clinical experiences that begin early and remain an integral part of your medical training through graduation and beyond.

Year 1 & 2:
Classes and Labs
Your first two years will sharpen your critical thinking skills and deepen your medical knowledge. You will receive hands-on training with advanced medical technology – including high-fidelity simulation robotics – and benefit from lectures delivered by world-class faculty. You will flourish within KCU’s state-of-the-art learning environments, with expansive classroom space and labs dedicated to honing your techniques in anatomy, physical diagnosis and osteopathic manipulative medicine.
And, starting in your first year, you’ll gain early access to clinical experiences through KCU’s growing network of health outreach initiatives – such as partnerships with local community organizations, global health outreach and Score 1 for Health, a KCU program that provides free health screenings to more than 10,000 area kids each year.

Year 3 & 4:
Clinicals and Clerkships
During your third and fourth years, you will thrive under the supervision of KCU’s nationwide team of top preceptors. You will refine your clinical skills and acumen working with real patients throughout your clinical clerkship rotations, elective clerkships and sub-internships. KCU has forged partnerships with some of the best hospitals and physicians across the country to provide you with the finest clinical education possible.
Inpatient and outpatient clerkships in different medical settings will empower you with invaluable experiences gained from working as a member of a health care team. You will learn what medical specialties best align with your strengths and interests and further prepare for your upcoming residency.
DO Specialty Tracks
As a medical student at KCU, you can choose to gain experience that delves deeper into your area of interest through a speciality track.

Merit-Based Award Fellowships
Pre-doctoral fellowship programs support students interested in pursuing advanced training in key areas of medical education. KCU fellows function as teaching assistants and lab assistant managers. You will participate in didactics, facilitate small group sessions, lead review sessions and serve as a general resource for students in much the same way as faculty members.
Students accepted into a KCU pre-doctoral fellowship serve year-long appointments that precede either the standard third- or fourth-year curriculum, depending on the specialty, with a fifth year added to their studies to allow for completion of their clinical clerkships.

Experiential Learning Opportunities
Clinical education is at the heart of what we do. There is no substitute for real clinical experience. That’s why at KCU you’re immersed in clinical education from start to finish.
Program Highlights

The white coat is a universal symbol of integrity, selflessness, compassion, honesty and dedication to service. Every year, I proudly watch each new student doctor put on their own white coat, because I know they are dedicating their lives to helping others.W. Joshua Cox, DO Executive Dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine & Vice Provost for Medical Affairs
Learning Outcomes
Our graduates must be able to demonstrate
- Basic knowledge of osteopathic philosophy and practice and osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMM).
- Medical knowledge through one or more of the following: passing of course tests; standardized tests of the NBOME; post-core clerkship tests; research activities; presentations; participation in directed reading programs or journal clubs; or other evidence-based medical activities.
- Interpersonal and communication skills with patients and other health care professionals.
- Knowledge of professional, ethical, and legal practice management and public health issues applicable to medical practice.
- Basic support skills as assessed by nationally standardized evaluations.
Competency 1: Osteopathic Philosophy and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Graduates are expected to demonstrate and apply knowledge of accepted standards in Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT). The education goal is to train a skilled and competent osteopathic practitioner who remains dedicated to lifelong learning and to practice habits consistent with osteopathic principles and practices.
Competency 2: Medical Knowledge
<p>Graduates are expected to demonstrate and apply knowledge of accepted standards of clinical medicine in their respective specialty area, remain current with new developments in medicine, and participate in lifelong learning activities, including research.</p>
Competency 3: Patient Care
Graduates must demonstrate the ability to effectively treat patients, provide medical care that incorporates osteopathic principles and practices, empathy, awareness of behavioral issues, preventive medicine and health promotion.
Competency 4: Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Graduates are expected to demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that enable them to establish and maintain professional relationships with patients, families, and other members of health care teams.
Competency 5: Professionalism
Graduates are expected to uphold the Osteopathic Oath in the conduct of their professional activities that promote advocacy of patient welfare, adherence to ethical principles, collaboration with health professionals, lifelong learning, and sensitivity to diverse patient populations. Graduates should be cognizant of their own physical and mental health in order to effectively care for patients.
Competency 6: Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
Graduates must demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate their methods of clinical practice, integrate evidence-based medicine into patient care, show an understanding of research methods, and improve patient care practices.
Competency 7: Systems-Based Practice
Graduates are expected to demonstrate an understanding of health care delivery systems, provide effective and qualitative patient care with the system, and practice cost-effective medicine.
From the Blog
Take the Next Step
KCU offers medical training opportunities for qualified applicants with a dream of becoming doctors.